“Being in recovery means that I have learned to accept and love myself for who I am and to appreciate the beauty of life without the need for substances. I can give 100 percent to the things that matter most. I am responsible, reliable, and present for myself and my family. I know that I am capable of success, and I am no longer limited by my addiction. Bad days no longer seem like the end of the world, and good days are a blissful reminder of the progress I have made. I am grateful for the journey I am on and the life I have been able to create in sobriety.” – Tess


"Being in long-term recovery has brought me to a place of being present and living life again. It has shown me that I can succeed in all aspects of my life and reach any goal I set for myself with just a little hard work. I am currently a recovery coach, and with this position, I can help others on their recovery journey and use my experience and knowledge to show others it is possible. Being in recovery has brought my mind peace, my kids a better parent, my partner a better support, and myself a better way of living." – Jillian


“As a person in the long-term, I haven’t found it necessary to use any mind or mood-altering substances in over seven years. Recovery has blessed me with being a responsible member of society, a caring son, a loving father, and a true champion for change. I recover out loud to let people know that is possible, that if I can do it, you can too, and that you are not alone.” - Erik


"I am a person in long-term recovery, and for me, that means that I have not found it necessary to pick up a drink or a drug to change how I’m feeling since January 20, 2016. However, recovery has given me more blessings than I can count. Since coming into recovery, I have become a loving member of my family and someone people can count on. I am beyond grateful for the life I have." - Stacie

“After more than 30 years of active addiction, my head was down. In December 2021, I started my recovery journey, supported by recovery coaches and attending a residential treatment facility. After rehab, I moved into a sober living house, attended meetings, and met others in recovery. Many of these people worked in the recovery community, and I found myself wanting to use my experience to help others. As a peer support, I have the opportunity to help others find their way into long-term recovery. I’m living my most rewarding life working as a peer support specialist and a sober living house monitor. We do recover.” - Stephane


“After years of substance use and running from the law, my risky behavior finally caught up with me. Getting arrested was rock bottom for me, but it was also what saved my life. Today I have over two years sober, and I’m living a life I never thought possible in the midst of my use.” - Kayla


“It was peer pressure that lured me into the dark world until one day someone came into my life that made me see things in a whole new light. I was tired of hurting the people I cared about, and I was tired of being sick and tired. 4 years ago, I decided to take my life back.” - Ryan


"The road to recovery wasn't an easy one for me. I met a lot of supportive people who shared my story and had my back no matter what. They became family. They taught me how to be a mother, a daughter, a granddaughter, an aunt, and a member of the community again. For that, I will forever be thankful. Recovery has also made me want to give back and help others find their path to recovery. We do recover." - Kristine



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Treatment and recovery support


Access to mapping tools related to SUD treatment, such as residential treatment facilities, withdrawal resources, recovery residence options, and more.


Know your options


OPTIONS Maine liaisons  serve as a judgment-free point of contact who will meet people where they are in terms of their substance use.

2-1-1 Maine

Services directory


2-1-1 is a free, confidential information and referral service based in Maine available 24/7 that connects people of all ages to local services.